IWC 2024 First Announcement
Dear Colleagues,
Before many of us take leave for the festive season, I wanted to take this opportunity in case you missed it, that the Call for Abstracts and Registration for the 3rd International Wheat Congress to be held 22 - 27 September 2024 in Perth, Western Australia is now open.
Being one of the largest wheat-producing states in Australia, Western Australia contributes significantly to the global wheat market. The region’s expertise and experience in wheat cultivation make it an ideal location to host such a prominent Congress.
This Congress will provide a platform for researchers to present their findings, share insights, and exchange ideas, which can contribute to enhancing the sustainability and resilience of wheat production systems. Policymakers and industry professionals attending the event will be kept updated on the latest trends and innovations in the wheat industry, fostering collaboration and driving advancements in the field.
Abstracts will automatically be accepted for poster presentation subject to meeting the criteria of aligning with the session themes and registering to attend the Congress. There is also the opportunity to be considered in the oral presentation program, with these outcomes anticipated to be announced mid July 2024.
We understand that it is a long journey to Australia - but I can assure you it is well worth it! Preparation and planning is the key. This is one of the reasons we have announced and accepting abstracts for poster display well in advance to allow you time to plan your journey to Australia and seek the support of your organization.
We wish you a safe and happy festive season and look forward to welcoming you to our beautiful city in September 2024.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Rajeev K Varshney FRS
National Organization Chair:
Director, WA State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre;
Director, Centre for Crop & Food Innovation, &
International Chair in Agriculture & Food Security
Murdoch University
Registrations start from $850AUD (equivalent to $550 USD) for Students and $1099 AUD (equivalent to $715USD) and includes: